My review
Sugar Crush has a sweet scent with a distinct smell of sugar and citrus fruits.
This product has left my skin feeling fresh and revitalised.
I have previously found out that this product includes kiwi juice with is good to refresh and cleanse the skin.
soap and glory have also got two other sugar crush products.
sugar crush body butter
I have read many reviews on this product and most of them are good reviews.
However this is my blog for my opinions and my opinion on this product is important to all of you reading this now :)
Rating : 5 stars
I love this product its so fruity and fresh it leave no bad oils on our skin and all the other oils and juices are good for you such as the kiwi juice I previously mentioned.
Another person who has video reviewed this is miss zoe sugg AKA: ZOELLA
I am going to leave a link to her YouTube channel were you can watch her videos and her reviews on this AMAZING PRODUCT
and I will leave a link to her blog which is amazing!!!